Ethics in Lien Resolution Webinar


Please join MASSIVE for our webinar “Ethics in Lien Resolution: The Practical Guide to your Decisions” on Tuesday, September 15th at 1pm EDT.  We will be discussing how to navigate legal and ethical requirements that law firms face today when handling lien resolution for their clients. Our free webinar will provide you with tools to…

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Join us on Tuesday, June 30th at 1pm


Is navigating Medicare a headache for your law firm? We can help. Please join MASSIVE for “Medicare: Formulating Disputes and Finalizing Liens” webinar to help you navigate this complex process from start to finish.  Our expert panel will provide you with useful information to successfully negotiate and resolve liens through Medicare. If you are looking…

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An Introduction to Mass Tort Lien Resolution


Mass Tort Lien Resolution is unique in certain respects and virtually identical to single event lien resolution in others. Understanding the dual nature of Mass Tort Lien Resolution is the key to resolving mass tort liens quickly and effectively. Perhaps the defining characteristic of Mass Tort Lien Resolution is the option to exchange information with…

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More with MASSIVE

MASSIVE was recently retained by a South Carolina Law Firm to help lower a $98,000 hospital bill. Their client suffered severe head, hip, and pelvis injuries in an auto accident and did not have health insurance. The case settled for $125,000 which left the plaintiff in a significant financially negative situation. MASSIVE worked with all…

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MASSIVE’s Lien Resolution Programs = More Money for Your Clients!

MASSIVE successfully reduced a $70,000 lien down to just $100. Our expert attorneys leveraged one of our global lien resolution programs with a large subrogation firm to protect the plaintiff’s settlement. When it comes to large scale lien resolution on Mass Tort projects, everyone wants a piece of the pie, often leaving the plaintiffs with…

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Obscure Lien Holder Squashed by Equitable Doctrines

Lien holder squashed by equitable doctrines

MASSIVE has partnered with Cordisco & Saile since 2014, to assist them with their lien resolution needs and allow for the highest amount to end up in their client’s pockets. Recently, our team successfully eliminated a lien by asserting that the private insurance plan did not have the right to recover based on Equitable Doctrines.…

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Finding Hidden Coverage: The PAID Act

Did you know that Medicare has data on its beneficiaries’ Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplemental Plans, Medicare Part D Drug Plans, and even Medicaid coverage? Currently, CMS does not provide that additional coverage information to either plaintiffs (and their attorneys) or defendants in the Non-Group Health Plan realm. The Medicare Advocacy Recovery Coalition (“MARC”) is…

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Ahlborn is Back – Retroactively. What it Means.

Nearly every trial lawyer association has put out an alert by now: “Ahlborn is back!” “Permanent & Retroactive Ahlborn ‘Fix’” “Ahlborn… Resurrected?!” You get it. We get it. Everybody gets it. Ahlborn, it’s a thing again. But what does that mean for you? First – a quick history. The Ahlborn case involved the plaintiff arguing…

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Join Med Lien at the CAOC Convention

Massive proudly supports the Consumer Attorneys of California and we are excited to exhibit at the 56th Annual Convention in San Francisco November 16-19, 2017! Better Lien Resolution Matters when resolving health care liens for your injured plaintiffs with Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, Military and VA. Our expertise ensures your clients net the highest recovery, and…

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Join Us at the WILG Annual Conference October 16-18, 2017

As proud Gold Level Advocates of WILG, we are excited to contribute to this collaborative group dedicated to success! Managing Partner Todd Franklin and Director of Business Development Ahmad Zeki will be presenting to the WILG members at the Annual Convention October 16-18, 2017 in Florida. The topic will be ‘Medicare Set-Asides: What They Do and Do…

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