Trust the Experts

When you use the words “Reliable” and “Dependable” or the phrase “Peace of Mind” most people are not thinking of a lien resolution company, but our customers are!   MASSIVE is a proven national leader in the lien resolution industry. Our team of experts have been immersed in the lien resolution process since 2009. We…

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Medical Care Costs are Not Created Equal

Medical Care Costs are Not Created Equal

By Marcy B. Spitz, Esq.   In any personal injury case, there is always the possibility of a medical lien that might exist for charges that are related to the injury, accident, or illness. Not only does the charge need to be related to the injury, but it will now be transparent due to federal…

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Texas Plaintiff’s Medicare Lien Reduced by Over $90,000

MASSIVE’s successful dispute in a nursing home negligence case led to a significant reduction in the Medicare lien. The injuries for this case were for pressure ulcers only, however, the plaintiff had significant hospitalizations with other injuries that Medicare added to the lien. MASSIVE’s expert attorneys reviewed the liens and disputed to Medicare that the…

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New York Plaintiff’s Private Lien Reduced by Over $54,000

MASSIVE reduced private lien by over $54,000

MASSIVE significantly reduced a United Healthcare lien for a medical malpractice case involving a failed cancer diagnosis.  Many of the charges that the lienholder was attempting to collect were from after the settlement date. The law firm had difficulty communicating with the lienholder and hired MASSIVE to get the job done.   Our skilled expert lien resolution attorneys carefully laid out the facts to the lienholder who agreed with MASSIVE’s argument and removed…

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Are you Resolving the Right Medicare Lien? 

There can be multiple Medicare liens for one personal injury event. Let that sink in.   We can acknowledge Medicare lien resolution is difficult enough, but how can there be multiple Medicare liens for one personal injury case? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has created a complex system where different “debtors” look at different Medicare lien…

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MASSIVE Reduces Pennsylvania Aetna Lien to Zero

With meticulous attention to detail and expert knowledge of state law, MASSIVE completely eliminated a lien from a motor vehicle accident lawsuit.  Despite the lien holder’s insistence, scrutiny of the Plan language indicated this was not a self-funded ERISA plan based on its incomplete language and self-funded affidavit from the wrong year. The adjuster disagreed with our position and continued to pursue the so-called ERISA…

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MASSIVE Reduces Self-Funded ERISA Lien by over $240,000

MASSIVE was determined to significantly reduce a medical malpractice case involving a birth trauma.   Doctors failed to diagnose fetal distress in a premature birth, which led the baby to have severe brain damage. The lienholder was a self-funded ERISA plan and the law firm had trouble getting anywhere with an uncooperative representative of the lienholder.  …

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How Did MASSIVE Resolve a Self-Funded ERISA Lien of $894,301 for $0.00?

We obtained the plan documents and determined it was not truly a self-funded ERISA plan. We don’t know whether the subrogation company intentionally represented it as a self-funded ERISA lien. Once the subrogation company realized we knew what we were doing, they offered to reduce the lien by half. We did not accept their offer.…

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How Much Time does your Team Spend on Liens?

In recent years, lien rights for Medicare, Medicaid, and other forms of health insurance have been vastly expanded. These expanded rights mean healthcare liens have become an increasingly large portion of a personal injury law firm’s unbilled hours. At the same time, while law firms spend more time on these liens, these processes do not…

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MASSIVE’s “ERISA Lien Essentials: The Dos and Don’ts of Managing Complex Plans” Webinar is Tomorrow!

Please join MASSIVE’s COO, Ryan Weiner, and experienced attorney and partner, Marcy Spitz, tomorrow at 1:30pm ET as they discuss how to handle ERISA liens in order to improve the overall process and increase settlements. If you feel like you’re in the dark when it comes to ERISA liens, you’re not going to want to…

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