$252k Veterans Affairs Lien Reduced to $0

Sexual abuse cases can be complex to resolve. Recently, MASSIVE assisted a plaintiff the Veterans Affairs office claimed owed over $252,000 in liens from therapy sessions.   Carrie Hornsby, Lien Negotiation Specialist at MASSIVE, examined each of the 4,000 pages of treatment dates and notes to discover what they were being treated for and why.…

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How to Reach Top Settlements for your Seriously Injured Clients

We know you will do anything you can to reach top settlements for your injured clients. Catastrophically-injured plaintiffs need extra support. That’s why we’ve created MASSIVE Life Care Plans (LCPs).   Our LCPs, assess your plaintiff’s needs and coordinate with treating providers and the plaintiff’s family to make sure all future care needs are individually…

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Nursing Home Medicare Lien Disputes Result in Huge Reduction

A Texas woman was a long-term resident at a nursing home. Before her time at the facility, she had multiple hospitalizations for UTIs and was also at high risk for pressure ulcers. The facility neglected to properly manage and care for her pressure ulcer wounds, which became infected and ultimately led to her sepsis-related death.…

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MASSIVE’s Medical Cost Projection Increased Settlement Value to over $900k

If you’re looking for a powerful tool to increase your settlement outcomes, here’s just one example of how a future medical cost projection can help.   A worker’s compensation attorney in South Carolina contracted MASSIVE to prepare a Medical Cost Projection for their client. The state employee had fallen when trying to help a patient.…

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Settlement Delays: Who Bears the Burden?

By Marcy B. Spitz, Esq, Partner at MASSIVE   In the Mass Tort world, many lives are affected directly by products and services. Once those afflicted with disease, injury, or immutable conditions occur, those around them are left to pick up the pieces. Many of those loved ones are women caregivers in their respective families.…

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Quick Reduction of Private Lien for Michigan Plaintiff

A Michigan man sustained injuries from a motor vehicle accident and built up over $15k in private healthcare liens. MASSIVE’s Single Event Lead Attorney, John Buford, reviewed the case and negotiated with the lien holder. Our team quickly obtained a 35% reduction…within four days!   The firm was extremely pleased with the results and timeframe, saying…

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Valuable Tools to Increase Settlement Outcomes

How do you determine future medical costs for your case? Some firms ‘guess-timate’ and lose out on an accurate picture of these costs. Here at MASSIVE, we know how to protect your case and increase your settlement outcomes!   Medical Cost Projections (MCP) are an invaluable tool used to forecast future medical costs and uncover…

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Self-Funded ERISA Plan Lien Reduced by 87%

A Pennsylvania mother was badly hurt in a motor vehicle accident, which resulted in her baby’s premature birth. The child had significant injuries that totaled $222,792.52 in liens. Because this was a self-funded ERISA plan, it would be difficult to argue for reductions because of the strong plan language.   John Buford, Single Event Lead…

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What to Expect from Senate Bill 410

Michigan has repealed the immunity provision of its Product Liability Act. This provision has been on the books for the last 30 years, allowing Michigan companies to shield themselves from liability for many cases, including opioid use.   Senate Bill 410 went into effect on February 13, 2024, but without any retroactive effect. Injuries that…

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MASSIVE Increased Settlement by $110k with Medical Cost Projection

Recently, a worker’s compensation firm asked us to review one of their cases. Their plaintiff required a shoulder replacement. The defense initially offered $100,000 based almost entirely on past medical bills.   Our nurse reviewed the documentation and created a Medical Cost Projection that accurately projected the cost for surgery, recovery, follow-up, and all related…

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