Valuable Tools to Increase Settlement Outcomes

How do you determine future medical costs for your case? Some firms ‘guess-timate’ and lose out on an accurate picture of these costs. Here at MASSIVE, we know how to protect your case and increase your settlement outcomes!


Medical Cost Projections (MCP) are an invaluable tool used to forecast future medical costs and uncover expenditures not listed in a Medicare Set-Aside. The MCP is prepared by a nurse and is best used to establish a medically accurate basis to increase settlement claims.


 The allocation report will include: 

  • A brief medical summary 
  • An itemized spreadsheet containing procedures, treatments, and providers with current medical costs for each item


An MCP can be submitted to the defense with your higher demand. We have proven this program and guarantee to increase your settlement opportunity!


Contact us with any questions. Our experts are available to discuss the major benefits of MASSIVE’s Future Medical Allocation services.