MASSIVE’s Ryan Weiner Presenting at the RISE Medicare Secondary Payer Master Class February 25, 2022

Ryan Weiner, COO of MASSIVE and long-time authority on liability, no-fault, and workers’ compensation conditional payments, will be speaking at The 7th Annual RISE Medicare Secondary Payer Master Class on February 25 at 9:00 a.m. (EST) at the Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Washington DC. Ryan will be co-presenting “Understanding the Obligations of Plaintiff/Lawyer Related to No-Fault Conditional Payments”.    Key content includes:  Examine the…

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How Many Files Can Medicare Open for One Lawsuit?

Most lien holders have one file for all of an individual plaintiff’s settlements. Medicare can have multiple for each of an individual plaintiff’s settlements.   Medicare’s process has its roots in something called Section 111, or Mandatory Insurer Reporting. That law requires all defendants notify Medicare of payments they make, whether they are paying voluntarily…

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2022 Medicare Recovery Thresholds

CMS has announced Medicare lien minimum recovery thresholds for 2022 settlements. Those thresholds are unchanged for the sixth straight year. These minimum settlement amount recovery thresholds essentially create a safe harbor for the smallest of settlements (excluding settlements that include exposure-based injuries). You can find that CMS alert here.   Here are some highlights: Plaintiffs…

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MASSIVE’s Determination Resulted in Large Reduction of FEHBA Lien for Florida Plaintiff

The 19-year-old plaintiff experienced a serious slip and fall accident, which caused a knee injury. She previously sustained sports injuries that were treated on a separate basis.   After a settlement was reached, the Mail Handlers Employee Benefit Plan that covered the costs for both her sports injuries and slip and fall, asserted a large…

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California Medicaid Health Care Liens

By Marcy B. Spitz, Esq.   Resolving Medi-Cal liens, via California’s Medicaid program, is vastly different compared to resolving Medicaid liens in other states. This difference is because Medi-Cal recently changed its process and will NOT issue any summary of Medicaid liens until the personal injury attorney provides settlement information to it.   What does…

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Private Liens: Reading Plan Language

Medicare liens are the same process and based on the same laws no matter where you are. Private liens? There are tens of thousands of different plans based on different laws and different contracts – or plan language. If you know how to read that language, you will save yourself incredible amounts of time.  …

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Medicare Lien “Mail Bag”

MASSIVE’s Ryan Weiner, Esq. spoke at Rise’s 5th Annual Medicare Secondary Payer Conditional Payment Forum on July 28th. We received some great questions during that presentation, and we wanted to use them to help everyone learn more about the Medicare lien resolution process.    Question: Do you report Wrongful Death as a date of injury or a claim? For example, if a person…

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Kentucky Plaintiff’s Private Disability Lien Completely Resolved by MASSIVE

A Kentucky man experienced lower back injuries from a motor vehicle accident and collected $125,000 from the defendant’s liability carrier. The plaintiff was covered by two disability plans that paid out almost $30,000 to him after the accident.   The plan policy provided that if the settlement had been for lost wages, they could assert…

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MASSIVE’s Mass Tort Team Fully Eliminated Private Lien After Multiple Disputes

MASSIVE completely eliminated a Highmark BCBS lien involving an IVC Filter. This was especially challenging on account of the plaintiff’s large variety of health problems. Looking deeper into this case, we found that even though the plaintiff had multiple medical treatments prior to her death, none of it pertained to the IVC filter.   Even…

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MASSIVE at the 2021 AAJ Annual Convention

We are proud to announce MASSIVE’s continued support of AAJ for the upcoming 2021 AAJ Annual Convention July 12-15 at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. We are excited to be a sponsor for the Incoming President Party. This is sure to be one of the many highlights at AAJ’s first in-person convention in 17 months!…

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