Finding Time

Ben Franklin was right, “Lost Time is Never Found Again”. Time is a scarce resource and if it’s lost, we can’t get it back. Utilizing MASSIVE’s lien resolution service allows you to save time so you can focus on your clients’ experiences and acquiring new cases for your firm. With our Fee Protection GuaranteeTM 1, our customers rest assured knowing MASSIVE has their back.

Are you able to finalize 95% of all liens within 35 days and reduce 94% of all liens? MASSIVE’s team has perfected a detailed workflow designed to be more efficient. This makes us accountable and gives you an easy way to measure results.

Contact us to learn how MASSIVE’s Fee Protection GuaranteeTM can help secure both you and your clients a better result.


The Fee Protection Guarantee is a registered trademark of MASSIVE: Medical and Subrogation Specialists.

1 The Fee Protection Guarantee is null and void if you, the firm, or a plaintiff-related party bypasses MASSIVE to communicate directly with any lien holder. The term, “inaccurate dates” does not include additional files opened by lien holders without MASSIVE’s knowledge, such as those opened through defense reporting. MASSIVE will assist you and/or the firm in guarding against such duplication as much as is practicable. MASSIVE is not responsible for incorrect information provided by you, the firm, and related entities, or clients. MASSIVE will provide payment deadlines to the firm via email, it is the firm’s responsibility to notify MASSIVE if it is not receiving such notices. The Fee Protection Guarantee does not apply to voluntary fee reductions by the firm, including, but not limited to, agreements between any of the firm, MASSIVE, and the lien holders to reduce a lien and fees concurrently. Note that all liens may increase throughout the resolution process. These increases are normal.