CRC Transition Days – February 7 – 9, 2018
As we’ve previously discussed, Medicare’s CRC contractor is changing from CGI to Performant Recovery, Inc. on February 8, 2018. The CRC is having three days of what it is calling it’s, “Dark Days” from February 7 thru 9, 2018. What does this mean?
Medicare No-Fault and Workers’ Compensation files will be accessible, but, no additional processing will take place for three days. That’s it. Performant indicated it will be fully operational as the CRC contractor on Monday, February 12, 2018.
Medicare liens for liability files will remain with the BCRC and its contractor, Emblem Health. Plaintiff attorneys will be mostly unaffected during the “Dark Days” while defense attorneys and insurance adjusters may experience some Medicare lien hiccups.
If you would like to speak to a Medicare expert give us a call at (844) MED LIEN or (844) 633-5436.