Florida Medicaid and Kansas Medicaid Liens Reduced by $514,176.73

A Florida man received a faulty heart valve device in 2020. Tragically, the surgery to remove the device led to the man’s death a couple years later. From the implant of the heart valve, until his death, the claimant’s treatment and care had built up multiple liens, the two largest liens being Florida Medicaid ($126,175.03) and Kansas Medicaid ($412,693.90).


After reviewing the information, Andre DePalma, Lead Lien Negotiation Specialist at MASSIVE, discovered the big issue caused by the faulty device was actually severe neurological complications, such as stroke or brain damage. Technically cardiac problems themselves were not the main injury in this case.


A lot of time and research went into these reductions. Andre analyzed each charge on the liens and was able to separate the related cerebral events from the unrelated pre-existing heart conditions.


The tireless efforts of our team paid off, as these two largest liens went from a total of $538,868.93, down to $24,692.20…a 95% reduction!


“Between solid teamwork and the great information our customer was able to provide, I was well-armed for those lien disputes”, said Andre. “By carefully auditing the liens and convincing the lienholders to focus away from the pre-existing heart conditions, we saw a lot of success on the lien reduction.”


Put more money in your plaintiff’s pocket by putting MASSIVE on the case! We have successfully resolved over a hundred thousand liens in mass tort cases. Contact our team at 833-466-2774 or [email protected] to see how our experts can help you.