ERISA Lien Resolution – Our Experts Get Results!
Mass torts require diligence, perseverance, and expertise. MASSIVE understands what law firms need and delivers outstanding results.
Here is just one example:
Problem: The client had a $175k ERISA long term disability lien. The ERISA plan argued that the lien was valid, and based on the hip revision surgery.
Action: After reviewing 600 pages of medical records, Massive discovered the doctor had released the client back to work in a one sentence statement after the hip surgery. The long term disability had been based on a completely different injury.
Result: The net settlement was $176,000, which would have been essentially eliminated by the $175,000 long term disability lien.
As a result of Massive expertise and diligence, the client was able to keep the entire settlement, reducing the lien from $175,000 to ZERO.
Reducing ERISA liens can be difficult and failure to understand the process can lead to liens much larger than your settlement can handle. For that reason, please reach out to a lien resolution expert prior to resolving your liens.
Or, the simplest way to deliver results to your clients is to utilize a lien resolution service. For help with ERISA Liens, or any other Health Insurance Lien , please contact us at 833-GO-MASSIVE.
Ryan Weiner
Chief Operating Officer
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