New Contractor Set to Take Over MSA Reviews
Medicare’s new Workers’ Compensation Review Contractor (“WCRC”) is set to take over all Medicare Set-Aside (“MSA”) reviews on Monday, March 19, 2018. The new contractor, Capitol Bridge, LLC, has stated it expects no changes to the process or timeframes for review. It has provided new contact information though:
- WCRC New Phone: 833-295-3773
- WCRC New Email: [email protected]
- WCRC New Fax Line: 585-869-3342
What isn’t changing?
Review timeframes. The WCRC will review Workers’ Compensation MSAs within 20 days of submission. Of course, submission is an always malleable word for the WCRC because it determines when a case has been properly and fully submitted.
During its March 5, 2018 introductory webinar, Capitol Bridge refused to answer any questions regarding Liability MSAs or No-Fault MSAs. Keep in mind that CMS’s Request for Proposals required Capitol Bridge and other bidders to acknowledge it may begin reviewing LMSAs and NFMSAs. So far we haven’t received updated guidance from CMS or the WCRC on those MSAs.
We will post additional notes as they become available. Keep in mind that MSAs are a valuable tool, but, other options may exist for your case. Have questions? Call us at 844.633.5436 today!