Looking Ahead in 2024: Women in Mass Torts

By MASSIVE Partner, Marcy B. Spitz, Esq.


The plaintiff-side of mass torts has admirably attempted to increase diversity. These improvements continue into 2024 with many mass tort cases expected to come to the forefront with more diverse leadership. Judges, law firm leadership, and the public are acutely aware of the need to have diverse leadership handling these cases. Claimants want to see and hear from those that understand their experiences. Statistically, more mass tort cases involve claimants who are women or people of color. These clients are finally beginning to see themselves in their attorneys.


MASSIVE is proud to offer an extension of that diversity through its female leadership in ownership, lien negotiations, operations, and human resources.


MASSIVE is ready to answer your lien resolution questions at any stage in the process of your case.  Let us help you help your client get the best results possible in a timely and cost-efficient manner.  Our female leadership offers your clients the diversity needed in the post-settlement process. Contact our experts for more information.